Plan a Vacation at the Discounted Rates

Who doesn’t want to travel the world, eat the best cuisines, wear the most amazing attires, talk with people and get paid for it? But, only the people working in the aviation sector are lucky enough to get the money for the things that most of the people would have to take a leave for. If you also work in the aviation industry, you will understand the privileges. But, do you know there are many other benefits that most of the people working in this industry are not aware of? And the most common one is the interline travel discounts.
While you can travel the world when you are on duty because that is pretty much what your job is, but, wouldn’t it be great if you could book the tickets at the discounted rates and go on a family vacation? Well, there is this thing called interline discount that has emerged as a blessing for those working in this industry. So, if you are interested in travelling the world with your family at half of the price, you can read the below-mentioned points to clear your doubts.

1. What documents are needed?

Ifyou are looking for an interline travel discount, you should make sure you have the relevant documents that clearly show that you are a part of the aviation industry. Your employee/retired personnel ID card along with kit’s photocopy should do the deal. 

2. When is the best time to grab the discount? 

If you want to get a heavy discount and save lots of money, you are advised to book your tickets a year in advance.

You can get the best interline travel deals on accommodation, you can trust Sunny Escapes. It is one of the leading travel agencies with a work experience of more than 35 long years. Of course, there are other travel agencies too but if you want to work with the company that is trusted by a lot of customers, you should look for none other than Sunny Escapes. You will be surprised to know that this agency has made over 10,000 bookings. Not just this, but this travel agency offers as many holiday accommodations and destinations that no other agency offers. Want to know more about the services that Sunny Escapes offers? Visit its website now.

About Sunny Escapes:

Sunny Escapes is a reliable travel agency that you can contact grab the best interline rate discount. 

For more information, visit


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